Mobile electric vacuum pump with vacuum/drainage box
Mobile electric vacuum pump with vacuum/drainage box
- The electric vacuum pump (with vacuum/drainage box) enables the extraction of air or other dry, non-toxic and non-explosive gases and is used to evacuate empty systems, e.g. the cooling system. The vacuum/drainage box stabilizes the vacuum
and it ensures that no foreign objects are sucked into the vacuum pump. Liquid is collected here. - To generate vacuum e.g. in the cooling system in conjunction with the KVB cooler vacuum filling device
- For rework
- For test benches
- small series
- Suitable for filling “wet” and “dry” cooling systems and thermal management systems.
- reproducible filling result
- manual process flow
- powerful vacuum pump
- vacuum-resistant design of all parts
- The connections to the expansion tank are not included
- We have around 400 different connections in our program
- 180° connectors, 90° connectors and 90° connectors with hose